
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

Our ministry exists to be a witness to the love God has for his creation as we demonstrate our love for him through our worship and our love for one another tangible and relevant service.  God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  In this we glorify God with all aspects of our lives.

Ways To Give

Give Online

Giving to Impact Ministries is simplified both online and in the app.  Our ministry is active within the urban Las Vegas community. As ambassadors of God's grace, Impact's presence in local schools and community programs demonstrates that there is no life, no community, no demographic that is beyond God's reach, concern and or ability to deliver. Where His people are, His provision is there as well.  Thank you for your generous donations and prayerful support of this ministry. 

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